
Tikkun uplifts Jewish, interfaith, and secular prophetic voices of hope that contribute to universal liberation. A catalyst for long-term social change we empower people and communities to heal the world by embracing revolutionary love, compassion, and empathy. We promote a caring society that protects the life support system of the planet and celebrates the Earth and the universe with awe and radical amazement.
Visit Founder Rabbi Michael Lerner’s page.




Merging spiritual and psychological wisdom to ignite the healing transformation of our world. Learn more.


Harnessing rigorous intellectual analysis to decode pressing social issues. Learn more.



Building bridges and activating communities for long-term positive and visionary social change. Learn more.



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    Fear of Humiliation as the Root of Racism

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Ecological Transformation

  • Pine Valley Creek
    Walking with Oaks

    Massive tree mortality evidences that we have been living in the midst of pandemics for years due to utter disregard for ecological boundaries. Read more...

  • COVID-19 Virus
    Avenger Planet

    Michael T. Klare reveals how COVID-19 could be the pandemic mother nature’s response to human transgression. Read more...

Justice for All

  • The Fate of Essential Workers During Covid-19

    Why Does Essential Work Pay So Little...And Cost So Much? Read more...

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    NSP & Tikkun Launch National Working Groups

    Watch or listen to our call launching our National Working Groups. These groups will provide a space for NSP members to gather to brainstorm, strategize, learn, and co-create and serve as a model of how to organize a local group. 苹果网络加速器下载


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    Art Green Responds to Peter Beinert’s Abandonment of the “2 State Solution”

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    The Privilege to Witness

    White supporters of Black Lives Matter, Israeli supporters of Palestinian rights--new possibilities of solidarity. Read more...


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    Backward Christian Soldiers

    Brenda Peterson on growing up in a racist white Evangelical religion. Read more...

  • 5,000 vehicle caravan in Oakland, CA
    When Religion Speaks in Truth

    Arthur Waskow shares his wisdom with Tikkun.


  • Jeremiah Lamenting the Destruction of Jerusalem
    Guilt and Reflections on Tisha b’Av

    Shaul Magid on blaming god / blaming ourselves.

  • Rabbi Elias Lieberman
    Coronavirus Crisis Highlights Need for Peaceful Dying Option

    Jewish support for a right to die.

Global Capitalism

  • The Coming of a Social-Distancing Version of War

    The Trump administration has proven remarkably unwilling to agree to even a modest rollback in U.S. imperial ambitions. Read more...

  • German Neo-Nazi
    Antisemitic Covid-19 Conspiracies in Germany

    Anti-Semitism never ceased in Germany and now it is using Covid 19 as its latest justification. Read more...

Arts & Cultural Critique

  • Piano Bench

    "Right there at one of the long brown tables in the middle of a class I don’t care about, I realize I’m in love with someone from the university, which is funny because being in love with someone from the university is what my husband accuses me of all the time." A short story by Cady Vishniac. Read more...

  • Vermont Summer Flower
    What is Enlightenment? 

    Who really knows where wisdom lies?

Tikkun Daily

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    Apart and Together (part 5)

    The overwhelming majority of the world’s population is doing work in the form of jobs that are insufficient for sustenance, assault workers’ dignity, and lack meaning. Even when the pay is sufficient, jobs are still lacking in dignity and meaning. Read more...

  • Police in Portland, OR at Proud Boys/Antifa riot
    The Cultural Foundations of American Policing

    Racist Policing in the US and militarist sustaining of U.S. interests around the world are different faces of the same reality. Read more...

A Chance Meeting: How Speaking Truth to Power Can Be A Catalyst for Change

Excerpts from a letter to Rabbi Michael Lerner
by Susan R. Friedes

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My dad, Dean Conrad Rolston, handed in his retirement from the FBI within a week of that meeting. Read more . . .


You’ve said that you’re both pro-Palestine and pro-Israel. How does that work?

I’ve read a lot in Tikkun about how capitalism is morally bankrupt, but I don’t see another alternative. If we don’t have capitalism, what will we have?

Rabbi Michael Lerner answers your questions.




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Tips on how to be a spiritual activist:

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  2. Advocate for a World Based on a New Bottom Line
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  4. Honor Our Diversity of Faith, Belief, and Reason
  5. Share a Vision of the World You Want (not simply what you’re against)
  6. Be ‘Unrealistic’ (put forth proposals that are deemed ‘unrealistic’)
  7. Engage in Non-Violent Action Grounded in the Above Values

Read more here.


The Tikkun Institute will develop the next generation of intellectuals, writers, and activists through a Fellowship program. Fellows will participate in online discussions, shape conferences, and create teach-ins or other public events aimed at refreshing public discourse as well as write, edit, and solicit Tikkun content.


“People of all faiths need to shape a political and social movement that reaffirms the most generous, peace-oriented, social justice-committed, and loving truths of the spiritual heritage of the human race.”

— Rabbi Michael Lerner



Why You Should Care: What’s driving today’s conflicts? Tikkun magazine provides issue analysis with multiple unique perspectives based on research, truth and integrity.


You Can Help Drive Long-Term Change ​

Tikkun Institute –  Our public policy research arm unites intellectuals and activists to collaborate on issue solutions

Our Community Activist Group:  Trains activists on how to take meaningful action.

Tikkun is the only progressive publication that incorporates  voices from diverse faiths and diverse secular communities.


The Mainstream Media’s, Religious News-Writers  Association, comprised of writers from prominent publications  – conservative to progressive honored Tikkun 2 years running with “The Award for Excellence”, 2014 and 2015


Your involvement with us is an important act of affirming the possibility of a world based on  hope, love, kindness and generosity

“Tikkun and the NSP still does the best job of anyone I know holding the space of love in the face of hate/ignorance.” – Darby Christopher

“I LOVE TIKKUN!!!!!” – Alex Alan Berg

“We need this kind of media that promotes peace and humanist values.” — Patricia Pinilla